Best Trophy Fishing: 2025 Trips

Fly-In Trophy Fishing Trips
Experience the best fly-in trophing trips of 2025 at Sydney Lake Lodge located in Ontario's Trophy Waters special conservation area. This is the area west of the Manitoba Border, North of the English River and into the southern section of Woodland Caribou Park. The Trophy Waters have the most trophy fish caught in Ontario per angler. Remoteness, Natural lake structures and decades of careful fisheries conservation policies, including the policy that all trophy fish be returned to the waters alive have kept the fishing here amongst the best to be found.
All inclusive 2025 trophy fishing trip packages include: float plane airfare, lakeside cabin, boat motor and gasoline.
Trophy Northern Pike
A Trophy Pike is one that is greater than 38 inches. Trophy pike fishing is very rewarding on Sydney Lake with 30 + pound trophies caught and released every year.
Register your trophy at camp and recieve a hat and pin, the largest northern pike caught in the trophy waters recieves a free trip for next year.
Remember that for it to be considered a Trophy Pike in Ontario's Trophy Waters it must be released alive. A main factor in keeping a trophy fish alive is the time that it has spent out of the water. Take a few pictures quick but remember time is critical, and even more critical for large fish.

Trophy Walleye Fishing
In Ontario's Trophy Waters a Trophy Walleye is measured as one that has been caught and released alive that is 27 inches or more.
When you catch a trophy walleye register it at the camp and recieve a master angler pin and a trophy hat. The largest walleye caught in the season wins a free fishing trip for next year.
When trophy walleye fishing, it is best to keep your bait from one to three feet off of the bottom, the large walleye are not as active right on the bottom as the small and medium sized ones.
Fish the same lures as smaller walleye with a slightly heavier line, 10-12lb works great.

Trophy Lake Trout
A trophy lake trout is one that measures more than 30 inches. Hooking these monsters of the deep is a blast. The Sydney Lake record lake trout weighed in at 63 lbs.
Larger spoons and hooks work better for catching the big trout, make sure your leader is up to the task as these fish put up a massive fight.
The largest lake trout for the season wins a free trip for next year so be sure to register your fish at the camp with a witness and a picture. You will recieve your name in the yearbook, a trophy pin and hat.
Lake Trout have soft mouths and usually strike twice. So wait for the second hit and don't set the hook too hard