
Float Plane Service & Aircraft

fly-in Fishing Trips
River Air Service

The Classic Bushplane

You and your group deserve the real Canadian fly-in fishing adventure, that starts with the floatplane ride to the camp. Enjoy vistas over the Canadian shield with countless lakes and millions of trees. Watch for rock faces, waterfalls and wildlife on your flight, you will fly over them all.

River Air Service

River Air Service is located downtown Kenora Ontario on Kenora Bay.  River Air is owned and operated by Gene Halley. 

When you get to River Air pull into the parking lot and check in at the office. They will then pull a cart up for your gear, weigh it and load the plane. They will also take your vehicle for parking.

The quality of aircraft, safety record and service are excellent. Their fleet of aircraft includes: an amphibious Cessna Caravan, De Havilland Turbine Otter, 3 De Havilland Beavers, 2 Cesna 185 and a Cessna 180. Below are pictures of the floatplanes.


Float Plane
float Plane Take Off
Fly-In Fishing Canada
Cesna Caravan
Caravan Flight
Plane at Dock
Beaver Flying
Beaver TAxe
185 Docking